Khamis, 8 November 2012

“The Iraq War in the Asymmetric Perspective”

“The Iraq War in the Asymmetric Perspective”

Mohamad Fahmi Bin Mohamad Maswan 
Marzunaidi Bin Marzuki
Muhammad Zakwan Bin Abd Ghani 
Mohamad Zaquwan Bin Mohd Zain 
Muhammad Rosli Bin Ahmad 

LECTURER:  Lt Col Assoc Prof Ajaya Kumar


            War on Iraq also known as Iraq war, second gulf war or Occupation Iraqi Freedom by US military, was a war declared by Prime Minister of United State (US), George W. Bush on March 2003[1]. The advocacy between these two political powers said to be a continuation of the 1990-1991 Gulf War[2] as it significantly shows the collision between US and Iraq again. The initial of the war is based on Bush of US and Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Tony Blair who seeks for UN approval for war as they claimed that Iraq under President Saddam Hussein constructed Weapon Mass of Destruction (WMD) which simultaneously departs from the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) resolutions 1441[3]. This resolution force Iraq under Saddam Hussein to obey the disarmament obligation. Iraq not only prohibited in proliferation of WMD, but also in several types of missiles and also the purchase and import of prohibited armaments.
Although United Nation Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found no evidence of WMD in Iraq declaration of weapon, its accuracy still being questions by US and UK. Iraq are accused by US that they have connection also supporting Al-Qaeda, the transnational criminal group. But no evidences of connection were found. However, US with policy of “War on Terror” under President Bush become the orientation of US invasion in Iraq. By taking the precaution steps from being attack at the first place, US invade Iraq on March 2003 to launch war on terrorism and at the same time to seek for them self the WMD weapon in Iraq. US invasion in Iraq led to an occupation and the capture of President Saddam Hussein who was later tried in an Iraq court of law. Saddam was found guilty then been executed by the new Iraq government. US troops remain to continue their mission to set up peace in Iraq and prepare the Iraqi people to have a new government. Reconstruction on political, economic and social were focus by US to improve Iraq to be a better nation.
Saddam`s government have to go through an unbalanced warfare in facing the coalition of US when Iraq were overwhelm with unreliable charge, and the combination of great power to fall him down. Unbalance of power in Iraq war is one of the factors that caused Iraq doesn’t have chance to stand and launch counter attack to US. US are superior and have a package of plan to invade Iraq after Afghanistan. Violence by US coalition force to various indigenous group of Iraq soon led to Iraqi Insurgency, mostly between Sunni[4] and Shia[5] group.[6]
On October 21, 2011, the new elected President Obama announced that all U.S. troops and trainers would leave Iraq by the end of the year, bringing the U.S. mission in Iraq to an end. The protracted war end on 15 December 2011, when US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta officially declared the end of war on Iraq. The declaration was made on flag lowering ceremony in Baghdad. Under the Presidency of Barrack Obama which elected on late February 2009, the last US troops left Iraqi territory is on 18 December 2011.[7]

The initial of the war on Iraq is based on Bush of US and Tony Blair of UK who seek for UN approval for war as they claimed that Saddam of Iraq constructed Weapon Mass of Destruction (WMD). Saddam Hussein in UNSC resolution 1441 have to disarmed and had to prove to UN that he had disarmed all the WMD. But the UN doubts the declaration of weapon by Iraq. US and UK force UN to fulfill the resolution regarding Iraq or they would take their own action by declaring war by them self. Iraq becomes the attention after the incident of 9/11 on 2001. Saddam was said to support the terrorism since he support Al- Qaeda, who responsible to the incident. According to US president, George W. Bush and British Prime minister, Tony Blair, under the policy of “War On Terrorism”, the invasion on Iraq was to disarm Iraq from weapon of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein`s support for terrorism and to free the Iraqi people[8].
The invasion of US to seek for Iraq`s proliferation of WMD have make a costly war since it is a protracted. Under the name of Democracy, US influence Iraqi People to have a new government. In history of Gulf war on 1991, cease-fire negotiation between UN Coalition and Iraq had been made. By referring this, and make incident of 9/11 as an immediate effect, US and UK make a charge to Iraq and accuse Iraq have make a proliferation of WMD and supporting Al-Qaeda as a ticket for them to invade Iraq. US combined force troops with UK, Australia and Poland during the initial invasion which lasted from 19 March to 9 April 2003[9] manage to toppled Saddam Hussein`s regime in the 21 days of major combat operation.

Asymmetrical warfare define as two belligerent differ in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other`s characteristic weaknesses. According to Andrew J.R Mack`s “Why Big Nation Lose Wars” article in World Politics, asymmetric refer to significant disparity in power between opposing actors in a conflict. “Power”, in this sense, is broadly understood to mean material power, such as a larger army, sophisticated weapons, an advanced economy and so on. But in 2004, the study had broaden to the difference in strategy and tactics.
The adversary of US and Iraq explained the battle of two powers asymmetrically. US have urged UN to become more serious about Iraq. As one of the great power in the world, US have many supporters to do what they want through their policies. Iraq, under turmoil[10] starting 2003 caused by the invasion of US show the difference in term of power and world influences since US manage to occupy Iraq. By convincing the world through media and any other sources, President Bush of US gain support from UK and also UN to invade and drag Iraq who solely against them until the downfall and execution of Saddam Hussein.

The Iraq war always become the big issue that have been discussing in White House since there are many conflict have been made by Iraq because of their stubborn to follow the United States instruction.  The decision to invade Iraq remains controversial despite initially high United States approval of the decision. In a January 2003, 64% of U.S. nationals had approved of military action against Iraq, however 63% wanted Bush to find a diplomatic solution rather than go to war, and 62% believed the threat of terrorism directed against the U.S. would increase due to war.[11] 
The invasion of Iraq was strongly opposed by some traditional U.S. allies, including the governments of France, Germany, New Zealand, and Canada.[12] Their leaders argued that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that invading the country was not justified in the context of UNMOVIC‘s (United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission) 12 February 2003 report. On 15 February 2003, a month before the invasion, there were worldwide protests against the Iraq war, including a rally of three million people in Rome. This is partly due to the effort’s failure to find significant quantities of weapons of mass destruction or an active manufacturing program in Iraq, this was one of the main justifications for the war.  The failure to find weapons of mass destruction was a major embarrassment for the Bush administration, and led to increasingly charges that the administration had lied or presented unverified evidence.
United States declared war on Iraq because according to British Prime Minister, Tony Blair said that the trigger was Iraq's failure to take a final opportunity to disarm itself of alleged nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that U.S. and British officials called an immediate and intolerable threat to world peace.[13] This war also known as Operation Iraqi Freedom by United States military. Before the war begins, there are many actors that played an important role that involve in this war. It can be divided into two which is main actors and supporting actors.
The main actor that are exactly we can see in this war is George W. Bush which is the President of United States and the Leaders of the Iraq Saddam Hussein. Both of them are the two actors that lead their military and deciding a suitable tactics to be applied into war that are conduct by military commanders of their country. George W. Bush is masterminding of United States in maneuvers their army to invade Iraq that is assisted by General Tommy Franks which is a Commander of the United States Central Command at that time. They are very sure to gain a victory in this war because of their military capabilities and their modern technology of the weapon more up-to-date than the weapon that has been used by Iraq armed forces.
In Iraq, the military have been lead by Saddam Hussein try to defend Iraq from the attack by the United States armed forces by using all their best effort to stop United States from invading their country. Even though their military capabilities are not as strong as United States armed forces, Saddam Hussein regime try to used asymmetric warfare as part of their tactic to face the modern technology of weapon used by United States.

There are many supporting actors that also involve in this war. They will provide many thing for United States to help them invading Iraq such as sending their troops to join with United States army, supply ammunition or food, provide advanced military weapons and etc.  The supporting actors that emerged in Iraq war that helped United States are United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, Poland, Portugal and Denmark. George W. Bush administration briefly used the term Coalition of the Willing to refer to the countries who supported militarily or verbally, the military action in Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq since 2003.[14] Approximately 148,000 soldiers from the United States, 45,000 British soldiers, 2,000 Australian soldiers and 194 Polish soldiers from the special forces unit GROM (Operational Mobile Reaction Group) were sent to Iraq for the invasion.[15]
It is difference from Iraq which is only gain support by the Arabs volunteers.[16] There only a group that have been created by Ansar Al-Islam and the Islamic Group of Kurdistan. From this we can conclude that Iraq did not gain any support from the country that have strong military power. Saddam Hussein regimes have to rely on their Iraqi army and irregular forces including Fedayeen Saddam paramilitaries and Ba'ath Party militias.

War on terrorism.
There are a lot of theories from many perspectives on how person define the war in Iraq. In academic paper, there are controversial on how to define the factor of the Iraq war. It is not just in U.S but around the world. On what we heard today, the main causes on Iraq war that is also a factor that prolonged this war is President George Bush said that it is a war on terrorism.[17] This factor was the main factor after the incident of 11 September where President Bush declared war on terrorism when they said that the Al-Qaeda crash the World Trade Centre. As we know on what we learn in asymmetric warfare, terrorism is one of irregular warfare. It is transnational crime means that it will be everywhere. Al-Qaeda did not have a specific state to be their base. They are everywhere because they are not struggle for their state but there was fight to spread their ideology. So, they will use the strategy of asymmetric warfare where they did not have a specific enemy. A civilian also can be their enemy as their can achieve what they want. On other side, they said that U.S attacked Iraq because Iraq was protecting Osama bin Laden where he is a mastermind of the tragedy of 11 September. This also can be relate to the asymmetric warfare because on the same statement. Osama can be everywhere because terrorism is a transnational crime. So they are no point to blame U.S because they were declares war on terrorism especially on Islamic religious. So when they get some information about the Al-Qaeda on what they were stay, U.S will automatically attack that that state. In this case, U.S had a history on bad relation with Iraq. So, they use this point on how to attack Iraq. This is because they have a good statement when they want to attack Iraq because Iraq was protecting the terrorism and the main objective to U.S is they are declare war on terrorism without think on which state they were stayed.
Saddam commit war crime.
The second point in academic paper that they discussed on the factor of Iraq war is Saddam was committing crime and brutal acts on his own people. This was proved on the news by reporter who was been there when that incident happen. Saddam was commit crime that is a jus cogen crime means that the crime that is cannot be apologize and it is opposite to the international law, law of armed conflict and Geneva Convention. What Saddam had done to his owns people? As we know, Saddam was practising a dictator leadership. What he said must be followed 100% by his citizen whether it is good or not. In this case, they are two major groups in that state that is Sunni and Syiah. Both groups are in the same religion but they are believed in different ways on something. On what Saddam had done, he raped a lot of woman, done some mass murder and others.[18] Saddam claimed that it was intra-state problem and other state cannot intervene his state but when the world see what Saddam had done, it means that other power should involve in this case. So, U.S was declared war on Saddam Hussein on what he had done. Saddam is a greed person who caused to the war on Iraq. He was sitting on the largest deposits of oil in the world. He has everything. He got billions of dollars in revenue.[19] He had palaces, women and cars that everything could people possibly find but he had no heart. This is why his people really hated to him but he did not on what his people voice. On his mind, he was the best person and he can do whatever he wanted to do. So, U.S took a step to Iraq before more thousand people will be dead. What we can relate to the asymmetric perspective in this case is on how U.S intervene Iraq. In this case, actually we can see that U.S was invaded Iraq by his own people and their own capabilities. But in the same time, U.S was supported the people of Iraq who also not agree with Saddam. U.S was distributed the weapon to the people who not agree to Saddam. This is one kind of asymmetric strategy that had done by U.S. This case was quite same such war by proxy means that a state used other people to war and act as a representative by their own state. Both U.S and Iraq was practised an irregular strategy that is against the international law. As an example, U.S used ambulance to bring their weapon. This is because ambulance was one of vehicle that cannot be attacked during war that is one of the content on the law of armed conflict. Second example is U.S was attacked the mosque in Iraq that is one of place that cannot be attacked during war. By U.S side, they have a reason why they attack the mosque in Iraq. This is because the combatant of Iraq used mosque as their hiding place. According to the law of armed conflict, a combatant cannot use mosque, church, temple or others place to make as their hiding place. So, both Iraq and U.S was against the law of armed conflict in their own reason.
Iraq has Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD).
The third reason on the factor that led to the war on Iraq is back to the history on 1990 where U.S and most of superpower in the world claimed that Saddam Hussein tried to build nuclear weapons.[20] The main reason why other state being angry with the Saddam on the nuclear weapon is Saddam said that they will attack Israel and in the same year Iraq was invaded Kuwait. This case was led to the other superpower such as U.S to go and stop them.[21] Saddam said to his citizen where they must go to Kuwait, kill who they want to kill, rape any woman who they want. This showed that Iraq invaded Kuwait without have any specific reason. This statement was made other state become wraith with Iraq. In this case, U.S just not came to Iraq by their own decision but other state that was contiguous to the Iraq was called U.S for help to stop Iraq. This is because U.S was one of superpower in the world and may be able to stop Iraq compare to the other state that is contiguous to Iraq such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan. In this case, U.S had done their job and they do a right thing but what we heard today, U.S was great power that tried to invade Iraq in totality. This statement also can be true because when the other state request for help from U.S, U.S agreed to protect to settle this incident but when is case already done, U.S still not leave the state of Iraq. This thing was make a controversial on what is the U.S objective why they do not want to leave from Iraq. In academic paper, certain philosopher said that U.S went to Iraq to stop their conflict just a reason for them to enter the Iraq state but the main reason why they go Iraq because of oil. As we know, Iraq is one of the largest states in the world that produce oil if compare to the other state such Saudi Arabia, Iran and others.[22] Because of U.S lacked of the oil resources, they need an alternative ways to settle their problem. This is also because they have a great power. So other state just can say something from the back without do nothing. When other country realized the real objective of U.S, this was cause to appear of hate of other state to U.S. In this cases, Al-Qaeda decided upon on a second course to attack U.S  that is a direct attack to the soil of U.S. Al-Qaeda claimed that U.S must go to stop Iraq because on the Al-Quran also said that when someone was in trouble, we must to help them and protect without consider their religious or other aspect. U.S claimed that they were in Iraq because of Iraq were producing the weapon of mass destruction (WMD). But in academic paper, they said that U.S no need to invade Iraq automatically because they do not have any reason or prove that Iraq have that kind of weapon. Just because of U.S feel of danger, they stayed on Iraq for a long time and at the same time it also known as war. What we can relate this factor to the asymmetric perspective is U.S was enter the state of Iraq in a good reason but with a hidden objective. In this case, there was a statement that quoted that there was no permanent friend but a permanent interest. When the invasion of U.S in Iraq, they was done a lot of irregular warfare. Actually, they said that it is a conventional warfare because they declared the war against Iraq but the strategy on how the go into war is on the irregular strategy in asymmetric warfare. They was killed a thousand of non-combatant in the state of Iraq. U.S also claimed that during the incident of 11 September, there were almost six thousand people were killed at that place including civilian.[23] But whether it is commensurate on what they had done in Iraq where more than thousands of non-combatant was killed in the state of Iraq. This case was become similar on what Iraq done in Kuwait and this was happen in Iraq back. As a conclusion, nowadays every conflict, war and others will have an asymmetric strategy because this type of strategy will give a lot of advantages to a state such as they can save their costs of war, save their number of combatant and others. As we know, a lot of asymmetric strategy was opposite to the international law, law of armed conflict and other law that control the condition of a war but we must know the victory state on a war will not get any punishment from the international but the defeat state will suffer to the punishment.

Tactics is the matters how act in the unit during the battle. Tactics involve looking at the art of fighting the war. The aspect that is important criterion in assessing is a military capability tactics. Art of tactics consists of three interrelated aspects of creative and flexible to achieve the mission assigned, can make quick decisions when faced with an enemy that wise and understand the effects of battle on their abilities. Tactics are different from the situation. Specific tactics used against the asymmetric enemy in battle, but no specific set of tactics that are listed for asymmetric warfare, as each situation is different and unique. Tactics are what we are doing the opposite is not symmetric when we know the opponent's ability to fight it. It is not only one side uses the asymmetric tactic in the combat, but both side are apply the asymmetric tactic. In the Iraq war, tactics are used by conflicting group between US and Iraq. The tactics are used by insurgent to create civil unrest, by criminal gangs, by Shi’ite militias in reprisal attacks, and by all the conflicting groups in the Iraq in sectarian and ethnic cleansing.[24] This is insurgency tactics used to drive escalating violence in Iraq. From the beginning are from the insurgent group, terrorist, and extremist action with the high casualties to give the publicity by the little time spend to attract the media. Tactics are important to gain the victory whether US o Iraq actors.

Martyrs And Guerilla Tactics
Martyrs purpose is to kill as many U.S. troops as possible before they were killed. Time does not have any interest in attacking U.S. troops. The martyrs are to die by the hands of U.S. troops. As a result, they can kill U.S. troops, even if they die because of their death was a success in the hereafter by their God.
Their tactics are a way to wait U.S. troops came to them and will fight, and they will die in this place. Guerrillas and Martyrs are using the same weapon. The weapons used are mostly small arms, grenades, and rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). They also used heavy machine guns and anti-air gun.
Position battles and the tactics used by both quite similar. The example to distinguish between guerillas and Martyrs are the method used to exit routes or forts. Guerilla movements in the well plan, while not martyrs. Martyrs usually do not have a strong defense position. They will attack immediately without considering the effect on themselves or attack effects.
Clean Operation war in Iraq, as known as Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT). U.S. troops face many problems in fighting guerrillas and martyrs, especially in buildings and houses. U.S. troops caught up in the city will face a big problem. Guerrillas would shoot from the roof when they move into the city, guerrilla and Martyrs shooting and throwing grenades from the door. Martyrs have put the machine gun position in the room while waiting for U.S. troops appear.
Guerrillas will run faster and faster route planned out well. They move in groups and their movements are usually through windows, back lanes, and from roof to roof. Exit does not cross the roads open. This was done because the U.S. military snipers are constantly watching their path during operation.
Tactic requirements for each of the fighting are very important in Asymmetric warfare. There was no way that can be used to fight irregular warfare but only using Asymmetric as well.
Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
An improvised explosive device (IED) attack is the use of a “homemade” bomb and/or destructive device to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract.[25] IEDs can be designed in the form of small pipe bombs to sophisticated devices that can cause great damage and loss of life. IEDs can be brought or sent in the vehicle; brought, placed, or removed by a person who served in the package, or hidden by the roadside. IED commonly used during the war in Iraq that began in 2003.
IED is the use of explosives in an ambush placed in strategic locations. In Iraq, insurgent and extremist groups use a lot of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and vehicle-borne Improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Insurgents get a lot of explosives, as well as large bombs and artillery shells. Nearly 400 tons of HMX and RDX plastic explosive disappeared from the Qaqaa weapons facility alone after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime.[26]
Users during the Iraq War IED destroy a lot of U.S. military vehicles, many dead and wounded soldiers. They do not throw bombs, but placed a bomb place U.S. military vehicle routes. It is more effective tactics to undermine morale of U.S. troops in the war because they cannot move and always in fear during the move. Therefore, attackers learn to make a bomb Iraq based on a combination of explosives and hide it on the road with the potential of U.S. troops will go through the area.
IED casualties as a result of increasing in Iraq, the percentage is higher than their U.S. military seems to have been attacked by suicide bombers and ambushes. For example, three Iraqi soldiers were killed and 44 were injured in a bomb attack on a bus VBIED them on 6 April, 2005.
Other Tactic
Other tactics are also effective in providing help Iraq against U.S. forces, namely by focusing on the target and the maximum pressure on the social and political in Iraq, suicide bombs, car bombs, and large-scale bombings. In addition, they will increase the size and power of IEDs to overcome immunity shields the United States (U.S.) and using a mixture of attacks and sieges, ambushes of U.S. troops during an emergency contact detonation IEDs in the streets. They will also be trying to exploit the capabilities of U.S. forces in combat and logistic vehicles seized. The diversity and a complex mixture in an ambush by small arms and light weapons favorable to Iraq to undermine the U.S..
"Swarming" technique, and the attack on the vehicle to stop and seize vehicles. In addition, the strengthening the Iraqi army attack in remote locations with the use of small arms as weapons of RPGs, automatic weapons, and snipers. They also strengthen the offensive line of communication (LOC), attack enemy rear areas, and strike support activities to weaken the U.S. military intelligence (HUMINT) and battle damage assessment (BDA).

The Asymmetric various tactics used by Iraqi forces to overcome the U.S. military who have high military capabilities. However, the U.S. military has the technology of communication, sophisticated satellite and radar favorable to the U.S.. The limited movement of Iraqi forces, and they are hide in buildings and houses are used as their safe place.

Squad Movement Tactics
Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT)[27] have created casualty figures that are extraordinary compared to similar operations conducted in different types of environments or in asymmetric warfare. The casualties in MOUT present a significant challenge to small unit leaders. They are need the tactics based on the asymmetric perceptions that will prevent casualties.
During house to house detailed explanation of the attack, the squad must minimize exposure in the streets. The roads, especially in Fallujah, can be death traps if the squad was involved. Squad should run from house to house in a state of alert, attack, and in the appropriate position. Move not too many of soldier in the road and walking by stages. They need to split up and running is not as rapid as that squad cannot control and do not maintain the safety of all.
All the dangers of motion must be protected. Security must be three-dimensional front, right and left mainly or around. Each movement in the U.S. Army will try to move forward one or more persons to assess the danger area is not covered. But if fire or bomb look, the military will continue to protect the position of danger and ready to attack. Perhaps the presence of the troops in to die or are injured, but if you do the normal movement in buildings and houses will result in the loss and the mission will not be achieved. If the U.S. military used this tactics then all danger areas can be protected.

Ambush Building by Breaking Wall
There are three types of ways to break away used in Fallujah. The types are mechanical, ballistic, and explosive. For mechanically is to break the wall of the outer or inner door has done much amphibious assault vehicles (AAV), tanks, D 9 bulldozers, or HMMWV. Sledgehammers and hooligans used to invade the house wooden doors or walls, but this is not a method and a good choice, but a place to do so. This tactic involves the destruction of many buildings and the building structure.
This tactic is used to prevent enemy forces immediately against the fight. Tear down the walls it somewhat difficult, but it is one of tactics to find the enemy and kill them. However, in a small narrow and D9 bulldozer or tank cannot be used to break the door. Shotgun and M16A4 was used to break down the door. M203 is also used to make penetration. Squad will breach the door 50 to 100 meters from the front of their position with the M203. It can break the wooden door from the outside.
The last type is with explosives. Types are to penetrate the walls, gates, external doors, and internal doors by using the explosive. It is easy to destroy the door with a bomb that caused the wall collapse and injury to the enemy. This tactics will weaken enemy to make a counter attack to the U.S. troop whether them surrender or they are killed.
Initiative Based Tactics (IBT)[28]
Initiative based tactics (IBT) should be taught. There are four rules of IBT. They are the following:
  1. Cover all immediate danger areas.
  2. Eliminate all threats.
  3. Protect your buddy.
  4. There are no mistakes. Every Marine feeds off each other and picks up the slack for the other. Go with it.

The impacts of war with Iraq are very extreme, not only in United States and Iraq, but it around the Middle East and all over world. There are many actor and tragedies happen that lead to the war in Iraq. In general the war between United State and Iraq that was begin in 2003 and finish in 2011 impact to the economy and military spending of United States, the environment and human health of both country. The Iraq war also causes to the increasing of oil price, the balance situation between country in Middle East and the ideology of jihad have labeled as a terrorism activities.
There has been little attention paid to the Iraq war’s impact on the United States economy. Some people believed that wars and military spending in Iraq war increases are good for the economy of United States. But, some people believe it also have a negative impact to the economy. According to the analysis such as Columbia University economist Joseph Stieglitz. He says the ultimate price tag for Iraq — which administration officials initially pegged at $50 billion to $60 billion — is easily $3 trillion or above.[29] The budget that United States spend for the Iraq war became a critic to many economic thinker and peoples. This is because they think government should spend the money for domestic needed and prevent country from inflation that happen because of the war. Inflation rates in Unite States would be considerably higher in the scenario with higher military spending. In the first five years, the annual inflation rate would be on average 0.3 percentage points higher in the scenario with higher military spending. Over the full twenty year period, inflation averages approximately 0.5 percentage points more in the high defense spending scenario. After five years, the interest rate on 10-Year Treasury notes is projected to be 0.7 percentage points higher than in the baseline scenario. After ten years, this gap is projected to rise to 0.9 percentage points, and after twenty years to 1.1 percentage points.[30]
Iraq war also impact to the environment and human health of both countries. As we know Iraq’s environment is already highly stressed During the Gulf war between Kuwait and the war in 2003 increases the negative environment. This is because of the oil pollution, bombing destruction, the use of toxic weapons and fuel use. The burning oil fields in Iraq released almost half a billion tons of carbon dioxide to atmosphere. This is an amount that has been considered to be leading the progression of climate change over Iraq. The result of the war in Iraq involving fighter jets, tanks, armour-piercing shells and ground-shattering Massive Ordnance Air-Burst bombs will be wide scale and serious environmental damage because of the bombing destruction. The use of toxic weapons such as Ammunition with Depleted Uranium (DU) will cause up to half a million cancer deaths over several decades to Iraq peoples. Local people and humanitarian workers are most likely to be exposed to DU in the aftermath of a conflict and the World Health Organisation said that young children are at the greatest risk.[31] The amount of fuel that is being burnt by military vehicles in Iraq to keep the operation moving is massive. The use of fuel for United States to generate its planes, boats and tanks are consuming 15 million gallons of fuel a day. The impact for human health involved United States in Iraq war because of the soldiers. There a thousand of United States soldiers was send to Iraq. Soldier who was send to Iraq during the war become trauma and can cause the mental disorders. Trauma occurs when a soldier was being ordered to commit acts that they would never do such as killing people and it can cause a nightmare to them in time over their live.

The war in Iraq had a major impact on the ideology, activities, and mindset of Islamist terrorist groups, and on the political culture of Global Jihad at large. The fall of Saddam Hussein and his government brought about by the United States and its Western allies, created and attracted a flow of Islamist volunteers to the Iraq. Various old and new local Iraqi groupings have since rapidly turned Iraq into a new war between the jihad sides against United States and west. It was seizing the opportunity to take advantage of political, social, religious, and cultural elements beyond global Jihad, to recruit a growing number of Islamic youth to hate United States and anti-west. It was affected Islamist groups throughout the Arab and Muslim world by supplying new interpretations of Jihad accompanied by new strategic and tactic. The violent reality in Iraq, which is liable to continue at least several years, has recently turned into an arena for global Jihad. Global jihad marks and reflects the solidarity of variety of movements, groups, and sometimes ad hoc groupings or cells, which act under a kind of ideological umbrella of radical interpretations of Islam.[32] The global jihad is the new agenda of the al-Qaeda to influence all Muslim people over the worlds with the influence Iraq war after the fall of Iraq. Al-Qaeda group use the propaganda that United States and its allies was killing and abuse many Muslims during war time and the way to fight back the cruel action that United States make is with jihad.

The tactic and strategic they also was change during and after the Iraq war. Al-Qaeda in Iraq are particularly watchful of the media, and that the tactics used by al Qaeda in particular heavily rely on the propaganda potential of large media sources. According to Bruce Hoffman (2006), “What I think has made the insurgency in Iraq so different from previous ones is the insurgents' enormous media savvy”.[33] The jihad groups are decentralized and get information based largely on where they live, and not through a centralized network structure. This assumption also seems to be in line with the general intelligence information available on the Iraqi jihad.[34] Al-Qaeda in Iraq also use a tactic such as rigging houses and shops with explosives in a new tactic that defied the thousands of security forces in Baghdad. This tactic makes the security force confused to find them because it exploits gaps in the city defenses.
            The fall of the Iraq make a terrorist group such as al-Qaeda take advantages to expand their propaganda about global jihad to all over Muslim words. They also have changes their tactic to balance or reduce the asymmetric warfare against the strong side like United States.


16.  "Poll: Talk First, Fight Later"., 24 Jan. 2003.
1.      Rick fawn & Raymond Hinnebusch, (2006) “The Iraq war: cause and consequences”  Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.,
2.      Basu, Moni (2011-12-18). "Deadly Iraq war ends with exit of last U.S. troops". CNN. Retrieved 2011-12-19.
3.      The Dominion Post 7 December 2008
4. 31 January 2003.
5.      "Coalition Members". The White House. 27 March 2003.
6.       Australian Department of Defence (2004). The War in Iraq. ADF Operations in the Middle East in 2003
7.      Kim Ghattas (14 April 2003). "Syrians join Iraq 'jihad'". BBC News
8.      Anthony H. Cordesman with assistance from Emma R. Davies (2008) Iraq’s Insurgency and the road to Civil Conflict. Greenwood Publishing Group.
9.      Anthony H. Cordesman with assistance from Emma R. Davies (2008) Iraq’s Insurgency and the road to Civil Conflict. Greenwood Publishing Group. Page 691
10.  Dean Baker , May 2007, The Economic Impact of the Iraq War and Higher Military Spending,  Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington, D.C.
11.  UNEPb, 2003. UNEP Recommends Studies of Depleted Uranium in Iraq.  6 April 2003
12.  Byman (2007). There is considerable debate about the definition of terrorism.  For a detailed discussion, see Krueger and Maleckova (2006)

  1. Ahmed S. Hashim (2009) “Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency”, Adelphi Paper 402, Routledge
  2. Rick Fawn and Raymond Hinnebusch (2006) “The Iraq War: Causes and consequences”, Lynne Rienner Publisher
  3. Ramesh Thakur and Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu (2006) “The Iraq Crisis and World Order”, United Nation University Press
  4. Don Nardo (2001) “The Persian Gulf War: The War against Iraq”, Lucent Book Inc.
  5. Anthony H. Cordesman (2008) “Iraq Insurgency and the Road to Civil Conflict” Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  6. Ali A. Allawi (2007) “The occupation of Iraq: Winning The War, Losing The Peace”, Yale University Press

[2] Rick fawn & Raymond Hinnebusch, (2006) “The Iraq war: cause and consequences”  Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., pg 1
[4] The word "Sunni" comes from the term Sunnah, which refers to the sayings and actions of Muhammad that are recorded in hadith(collections of narrations regarding Muhammad)
[5] "Shia" is the short form of the historic phrase Shīʻatu ʻAlī , meaning "followers of Ali", "faction of Ali", or "party of Ali"
[7] Basu, Moni (2011-12-18). "Deadly Iraq war ends with exit of last U.S. troops". CNN. Retrieved 2011-12-19.
[10] Turmoil= A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
[11] "Poll: Talk First, Fight Later"., 24 Jan. 2003. 
[12] The Dominion Post 7 December 2008
[13]  31 January 2003. 
[14] "Coalition Members". The White House. 27 March 2003.
[15] Australian Department of Defence (2004). The War in Iraq. ADF Operations in the Middle East in 2003
[16] Kim Ghattas (14 April 2003). "Syrians join Iraq 'jihad'". BBC News
[24] Anthony H. Cordesman with assistance from Emma R. Davies (2008) Iraq’s Insurgency and the road to Civil Conflict. Greenwood Publishing Group.
[26] Anthony H. Cordesman with assistance from Emma R. Davies (2008) Iraq’s Insurgency and the road to Civil Conflict. Greenwood Publishing Group. Page 691
[30]  Dean Baker , May 2007, The Economic Impact of the Iraq War and Higher Military Spending,  Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington, D.C.

[31] UNEPb, 2003. UNEP Recommends Studies of Depleted Uranium in Iraq.  6 April 2003

[33] Quoted in Ross (2006).
[34] Byman (2007). There is considerable debate about the definition of terrorism.  For a detailed discussion, see Krueger and Maleckova (2006)

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